Draw on a Christmas theme. European Christmas cards

Tools and materials you will need to draw Christmas:

  1. Paper;
  2. Colour pencils;
  3. Simple pencil;
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Using a simple pencil, we will create a general image of the future drawing. Without much clarification of the details, we will outline the location of the angel, and a spruce branch will be located a little to the left. Behind the angel, on the background, we place a circle, and enclose the entire drawing in a rectangle. Some of the wings and branches will extend beyond the frame of the Night Before Christmas picture. Drawing Christmas is not as difficult as it seems, just try and put in more effort;

We begin to draw Christmas step by step with a pencil in more detail. Let's make wavy hair, rounded facial features and draw wings. At the bottom of the image there will be a small sketch of the landscape. Let's depict the silhouettes of houses, but don't make it too specific, because... they will be surrounded by fog;

Add facial features and folds to the angel's clothes. We remove the auxiliary lines with an eraser and move on to color;

Let's start with yellow. Let's draw the hair, a spruce branch, a candle and a circle on the background - we are already starting to get a beautiful Christmas drawing;

For leather we use beige color. Shading the face and hands. Next, draw the hair with brown. You need to try hard so that you can draw Christmas beautiful, neat and bright;

Let's move on to the branch. For her, let's take two shades of green. Using sharp strokes we will create spruce needles;

Let's move on to the background of the picture for Christmas. Let's make it blue. Let's sketch the inner circle and the lower part of the background. We make a slight transition from dark blue to a light shade;

For the landscape below, let's take purple and blue. We can add these lights a little on the contours of the wings. Maybe you decided to paint Christmas with colors or just leave it in black and white?

Christmas is one of the bright holidays that believers all over the world look forward to. On such a holiday, you especially don’t want to buy ready-made gifts from the store. They do not carry the warmth, the kindness that gifts made with their own hands possess. The most favorite for children are drawings on the theme of the Nativity of Christ. Such children's creativity has many positive aspects.
Firstly , such a drawing will reveal the child’s creative potential, which sometimes goes unnoticed by parents.

Secondly , a personalized gift hand-drawn by your child will give the recipient warmth and a piece of their heart.

Third , these unforgettable minutes and hours spent in creative work are remembered by children for many years to come. In some families, this becomes a tradition that pleases both adults and children year after year.
Drawings on the theme of Christmas.
What can you offer children to draw for such a bright and joyful holiday? In many European countries, Christmas is celebrated on a larger scale than New Year. Therefore, from childhood, children accumulate a lot of experience in decorating and holding this holiday.
1. One of the classic drawings for Christmas can be the image of the moment when Jesus Christ was born. This is a cradle with a newly born child. Happy parents stand nearby: Joseph and Mary.
2 .Another variation of such a classic scene is the image of the wise men who bring a gift to the born Prophet. Evening. One bright star is shining. She appeared in the sky to show people the way. Thanks to the evening sky and a bright star, the drawing will turn out very beautiful.
3 .Now let's try to draw a special Christmas: children's drawings for little ones. One option could be Santa looking at a star. Nearby are the gifts in socks that he collected for the children.
4 . Another fun option for children’s drawings for Christmas could be the Teddy bear, popular in the West. You can add another little bear: together they are holding a card with the inscription “Merry Christmas!”
5. An excellent solution for romantic children would be a drawing related to the image of nature. It could be a Christmas tree covered with snow, with bells on it. A church with a bell is visible in the background.
6 The plot of the next drawing, which we offer you, was used in Ancient Rus'. This is a candle decorated with golden holiday ribbons. Nearby on the table are ribbons and several Christmas tree decorations.
7. And the last version of the description of the Nativity of Christ is a drawing that depicts a fireplace with a burning fire. Christmas stockings with children's gifts are hung above or near it. You can add Santa's attributes: a bag, a wand with a golden ribbon.
Nativity. Pencil drawing.
Let's learn to draw the Nativity of Christ. These drawings are special. Such a pencil drawing, without the use of colored pencils or felt-tip pens, always attracts attention. It leaves a professional impression. We will try to help you master the basics of this type of drawing.
Draw a rough circle. It should cover more than half the sheet. In the inner parts of the circle are an animal feeder. Next we draw the baby's head. The edge of the rag is visible from under it. The body itself is wrapped in a sheet. Nearby, draw a sheep with a few strokes. After that, move on to the details. Draw hay sticking out of the cracks. In the background, draw a Christmas Star and use a few lines to depict the glow emanating from the star.
Well, that’s all, we helped you find out what Christmas-themed drawings you can prepare with your children.

Merry Christmas everyone!

How to draw Christmas

In this lesson we will look at what to draw for Christmas, and also look at a step-by-step drawing on how to draw Christmas, the birth of Christ with a pencil step by step.

So, what to draw for Christmas. In Western countries, this holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, just like we do New Year. We are Christians, not all of them, of course, there are many other religions in our country, but the majority, only the countries of the former USSR are Orthodox, and in the West they are Catholic. At Catholic Christmas they like to display figures like these, maybe they’ve even seen them in films, the movie “Home Alone” comes to mind, but I don’t remember which part.

In connection with this, you can draw the Birth of Jesus, a cradle with a baby and Mary and Joseph nearby. The pictures are enlarged.

Just a Christmas scene.

The Magi go to bow and bring gifts to the newborn prophet, a star is shining that shows the way to him, if I don’t confuse anything. This is depicted in silhouettes, for me, very beautifully.

Below is an illustrated picture, well, this is for the pros.

These were the options associated with the birth of Jesus. Now let's see how you can draw Christmas differently. Saint Nicholas (Santa) looks at the star, and you can also simply give out gifts in Christmas stockings.

Now let's see, our Christmas drawing lesson, this is what we should end up with, I decided to mix the New Year theme with the birth of Jesus.

I took part of the drawing from this picture.

Look again where the circle should be and draw it with an animal feeder inside.

Christmas is one of the most favorite holidays in many countries of the world, including Russia. To understand how to draw Christmas, you should familiarize yourself with the history of this wonderful celebration. It can be found in a regular Bible or in a children's Bible. You can also find out how to draw Christmas by looking at greeting cards and paintings with the corresponding plot.
Before you draw Christmas step by step, you need to prepare the following stationery:
1). Liner;
2). Paper;
3). Multi-colored pencils;
4). Pencil;
5). Eraser;
6). A sharpener to periodically sharpen pencils.

Now that all of the above items are ready, you can move on to learning how to draw Christmas with pencils, and then color the finished sketch with colored pencils:
1. First, using light lines, outline the outline of the manger in which the baby lies. And also outline the outlines of the donkey standing next to the manger;
2. Without detailing the drawing, outline the outlines of the lamb lying near the manger, as well as the rabbits. Draw the outlines of the stable roof;
3. Draw the child’s head and hand. Draw the straw under his head and the blanket with which he is covered. Draw a manger that is made from boards;
4. Start drawing the donkey;
5. Draw the donkey, not forgetting that it has long ears and a lush mane with bangs. Draw a large striped blanket on the back of the animal;
6. Draw a sheep lying near the manger;
7. Draw both rabbits;
8. On the ground, mark the places where the straw lies. On the wall, mark the outlines of individual stones. Draw the roof, as well as the beams on which it rests;
9. Now you know how to draw Christmas with a pencil step by step. In order for the drawing to look complete in the end, it should be colored. To do this, outline it with a liner;
10. Using an eraser, carefully remove excess lines;
11. Paint the wall with silver-gray and golden-brown pencils;
12. Paint the roof red and the beams brown. Color the ground with a brown pencil and the straw with yellow;
13. Color the manger brown and the straw yellow. Paint the blanket pink and the halo around the baby's head light yellow. Shade the baby's head and hand with a flesh-colored pencil;
14. Color the donkey's ears with a flesh-colored pencil, and its body with gray color. Shade the animal's mane and bangs with a black shade. Color the blanket with pencils of various tones;
15. Paint the noses and ears of the rabbits with a flesh tone. And fill in their bodies with brown pencils;
16. Shade the sheep’s ears and nose with a flesh-colored pencil. Color the hooves brown, and lightly paint the animal’s fur with gray.
The drawing is ready! So, drawing the Nativity of Christ is not at all difficult. This image would be perfect for a Christmas card!

In this lesson we will look at what to draw for Christmas, and also look at a step-by-step drawing on how to draw Christmas, the birth of Christ with a pencil step by step.

So, what to draw for Christmas. In Western countries, this holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, just like we do. We are Christians, not all of them, of course, there are many other religions in our country, but the majority, only the countries of the former USSR are Orthodox, and in the West they are Catholic. At Catholic Christmas they like to display figures like these, maybe they’ve even seen them in films, the movie “Home Alone” comes to mind, but I don’t remember which part.

In connection with this, you can draw the Birth of Jesus, a cradle with a baby and Mary and Joseph nearby. The pictures are enlarged.

Just a Christmas scene.

The Magi go to bow and bring gifts to the newborn prophet, a star is shining that shows the way to him, if I don’t confuse anything. This is depicted in silhouettes, for me, very beautifully.

Below is an illustrated picture, well, this is for the pros.

These were the options associated with the birth of Jesus. Now let's see how you can draw Christmas differently. Saint Nicholas (Santa) looks at the star, and you can also simply distribute it in .

Here is your loved one, or rather two, holding a piece of paper with the inscription “Merry Christmas!”

Here are more options for Christmas related to nature: , twig, church.

Winter landscape and bluebells.

This old postcard, you see after the letters “s” and “m” there is a solid sign (b).

You can simply use caramel sticks, leaves, and ribbons.

Now let's see, our Christmas drawing lesson, this is what we should end up with, I decided to mix the New Year theme with the birth of Jesus.

I took part of the drawing from this picture.

Look again where the circle should be and draw it with an animal feeder inside.

Then draw the hay that sticks out from the top and from the cracks.

Sheep, star and radiance.

Bells (you should already know how to draw them, there is a lesson) and spruce branches. Branches are drawn simply, draw a curve from which small curves extend, which are at a close distance to each other.

And the final touch is to show the ringing of the bell and decorate the inscription “Merry Christmas” on the sides with these decorative lines.